Key Dates
Race Date: 5th/6th October 2024
Race Registration Opens: 31st July 2024
Race Registration Closes: 2th October
2km Walk/ Run $35
10 km walk/run $75
21km run $120
50 km run $275
Entry Ages (Humans)
2km Walk/ Run (open, but under 14+ must have adult supervision when on course)
10 km walk/run (14+)
21km run (16+)
50 km run (18+)
Entry Age and Breed Specifications (Dogs)
2km Walk/ Run (open, dogs are welcome to be in strollers)
10 km walk/run (dogs older then 1, younger then 15)
21km run (dogs older then 1, younger then 10)
50 km run (dogs older then 1, younger then 10)
Included in your Entry Fee
Event Entry
Fully marked course
Aid station supplied with food for you and your dog
Human and Animal Medical support on course and Event Hub
Race bib (timing TBC)
Finishers medal for you
Finishers dog tag medal for your dog
Finishers goodie bag
Withdrawals and Transfers
Send an email to barkinmadultra@gmail.com with the heading “[Your full name] [Your event] Entry Cancellation” Simply mention in the email that you are canceling your entry.
You will receive a reply email to confirm that your request has been received.
Prior to September 30th 2024, athletes have few options:
a) Withdraw and receive a full refund ($30 admin fee for ALL refunds)
b) Transfer to a friend and this is available up until the Thursday prior to the race ($2 fee applies).
c) Change the distance (upgrade or downgrade). Participants will have to pay the difference in entry cost for any upgrade plus a $2 fee for Race Roster.
d) Transfers, Upgrades and Downgrades are managed via you entry registration on Race Roster.
After to September 30th 2024:
a) No refunds will be available.
b) Transfer to a friend and this is available up until the Thursday prior to the race
c) Change the distance (upgrade or downgrade) and this will be available up until the Wednesday prior to the race. Participants will have to pay the difference in entry cost for any upgrade.