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Aus. Hair of the Dog Rescue is a small charitable dog rescue group. Founded in 2015 by a passionate group of dog lovers, dedicated to the ongoing welfare of our canine friends

What do we do?


Rescue: Dogs from pounds on death row, dogs from puppy farms, dogs in need


Rehabilitate:  Provide foster care, food, shelter, veterinary care & retraining


Rehome: Our aim is for our foster dogs to go to the best possible homes. We strive to get the right match for new adoptive parents. Sometimes it may appear we are being over protective, for this we make no apology. The welfare of these dogs will always come first.


Charity: Provide dog and cat food for Baw Baw Food Alliance, for families in hardship.  Assist with dog owners in our local community with basic training


Our Hair of the Dog Family!


Liz Behrendorff

Head of our Pack

Dianne Davie

Chief & Creative Designer
(President & Merch Maker)

Emma Nickson

Pack Supervisor
(Vice Pres. & Merch Maker)

Chris Behrendorff

Dog Whisperer

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Judy Paul

Resident Fundraiser

Annette Brauneis

Super Seamstress
(Volunteer & Merch Maker)

Sandy Crees

(Volunteer & Merch Maker)

Vicky Dryburgh

Bean Counter


THANK YOU to our amazing sponsors who help and support the work we do ensuring our dogs are healthy
so we can work towards rehabilitation, training and re-homing our dogs

©2024 by Aus Hair of the Dog Rescue INC ~ Source Number: RE146926

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