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Terms & Conditions

Breed Limits 

A note on breed limitations. Certain ages and breed of dogs will not be able to participate in the longer races. This is to prevent harm to the dogs. Dogs with restrictions to breathing such a brachycephalic dogs (flat faced dogs like pugs, French bull dogs etc) will be not permitted to run in the 20 and 50 km races. Dogs younger then 1 years of age will not be permitted to run in the 20 and 50 km in order to reduce the risk of damage to growing bones.

Dog Rules

  1. All dogs must be on leads for the entirety of the race. No retractable leads permitted.

  2. All dogs must have an identification tag/ collar/ harnesses.

  3. If a little antisocial we ask to use one our red bandanas so as to alert other competitors of your dogs temperament. Other dogs can wear green if okay with other dogs and people. Yellow is if the dog just has some mild anxiety. These bandanas will be picked up at race rego.  

  4. You must pick up any dog waste from the trail. Poo bags are part of mandatory gear.

  5. It is your responsibility to condition your dog to the level of endurance required to run in this event. There will be veterinarians on course but this does not substitute for conditioning and training.

  6. Bring the necessary supplies for your dog, such as favourite treats and collapsable water dish.


Human Rules

  1. Adhere to the mandatory gear requirements. If not carrying the mandatory gear at completion of the race, the result is a disqualification. Race director has the final authority on any issues as they arise during the race.

  2. Follow the course markings, short cuts are not permitted. Obey checkpoint staff and on course marshals.

  3. Be kind and courteous will all volunteers.

  4. do not wear headphones that obstruct hearing. Shokz or bone conducting headphones can be permitted.

  5. If requiring first aid on the course, call the number on the back of the Bib or seek help at the aid station. If you elect to drop out of the race, please notify staff.

  6. You understand the nature of trail running at short and long distances and you have completed the necessary training required to complete a race. You safety depends on your own skills and abilities.


Terms and conditions 

This is an important document which affects your legal rights and obligations of you and your dog. You must read it carefully prior to entering the Barkin mad Ultra (race).  When you do your on-line entry, you will be asked to tick a box to confirm you have read and understood this form. All participants and late entries will be asked to sign one of these forms at Rego/Check-in. Please re-read this form in the few days or weeks prior to the event to make yourself aware of the risks of participating.  



Event Insurance

You acknowledge that Aus Hair of the Dog Rescue Inc as at the Event date holds Public Liability Insurance for the Event. This Insurance does not cover personal injury insurance for You, the participant or your dog. We strongly recommend You hold your own personal insurance and ambulance cover and your own pet insurance.


You understand that our insurance may not cover you for all injury, loss or damage sustained by You and your dog in participating in the Event and you acknowledge that the Event does not make any representation about the suitability of the insurance.


The Ambulance service is not a free service in Victoria. It’s your responsibility to check your health cover and ensure you are covered for ambulance cover in the case of an emergency.

To arrange cover with Ambulance Victoria, visit




In consideration of Barkin Mad Ultra accepting my participation in the inaugural Barkin Mad Ultra, to be held at Rokeby Recreational Reserve on 5-6th October 2024, I agree to this release of claims, waiver of liability and assumption of risk.  


1. I have read and understood the relevant entry requirement and information relating to the Event.  And acknowledge that the Event Risk Management Plan has been made available to me on the website.

2. The Event Organisers may, at their sole discretion, refuse entry or cancel an entry to any person for any reason whatsoever.  

3. I understand the demanding physical nature of the Event. I declare, as a condition of entry to the Event, that I have a sufficient level of fitness and mobility for this Event and that I am not aware of any illness, injury or any other physical disability which may cause me injury or death whilst participating in the Event. This extends to the health and wellbeing of your dog who you have name on entry to the race.

4. In the event that I become aware of any medical condition or impairment, or am otherwise sick or injured prior to or during the Event, I will withdraw from the Event.  

5. I acknowledge that participating in the Event there is a large component of physical activity and that by such participation I am and my dogs is exposed to certain risks. I acknowledge that the enjoyment of trail running is derived in part from the inherent risks and exertion beyond the accepted safety of life at home or at work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and is a reason for my participation in the Event.  

6. I acknowledge and understand that whilst participating in the Event:  

  •  I may be injured, physically or mentally, or may die from various causes including, but not limited to, over exertion, dehydration, cardiac arrest, slips, trips or falls, accidents with other participants, spectators and road users, or accidents caused by my own actions; 

  • My personal property may be lost or damaged;  

  • I may cause injury to other persons or damage their property;  

  • My dog may be injured or cause injury.

  • The conditions in which the Event is conducted may vary without warning;  

  • I may be in a remote or isolated location where access to medical support may be limited and take significant time to reach me;  

  • There may be no or inadequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured; 

  • I assume the risk and responsibility for any injury, death or property damage resulting from my and my dog’s participation in the Event


7. I agree that if I am or my dog is injured or require medical assistance, the Event Organisers may, at my cost, arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation as deemed necessary by the Event Organisers. I  agree that I am responsible for my own medical and ambulance insurance cover, loss of income due to injury cover, private health cover and for all medical, ambulance and associated costs.  

8. I agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Event Organisers, its officers, employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, public bodies, landholders and sponsors, from and against any and all claims, demands, right or cause of action, suits, expenses, costs and proceedings of any nature whatsoever which may be made by me or on my behalf or by other parties for or in respect of or arising out of any injury, loss, damage or death caused to me or my property or my dog as a result of my entry or participation in the Event whether by negligence, breach of contract or in any way whatsoever.  

9. I also agree that in the event I am injured or my property is damaged, I will bring no claim, legal or otherwise, against the Event Organisers in respect to that injury or damage.

10. I understand that my medical and my dog’s medical history and personal information including emergency contact details, collected as part of the entry process for the Event will be made available to the event medical team and operations team. It will only be used to help staff look after me if I need help and care. If I am evacuated  from the Event by Emergency Services, this personal information plus any new data entered by event staff will be supplied to the Emergency Services staff to enable my continued care.  

11. I agree to allow my name and my dogs name,  photographs, videos, multimedia or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by Barkin Mad Ultra, the sponsors, event partners, or assigns without payment or compensation.  

12. I acknowledge that my and my dog’s image may be taken by an Event photographer and that Event photographer may contact me to offer for sale images of me at the Event.  

13. I agree to abide by the Event rules and the directions of all Event officials.  

14. I acknowledge that the Event Organisers may cancel the Event due to adverse weather or swell conditions, safety considerations, terrorism or ‘acts of god’ and that in such circumstances my entry fees and/or any travel costs will be non-refundable.  

15. I understand no refunds will be given after 30th September 2024 if participants  decide to withdraw.

16. I understand and assume all responsibility for my dog’s behaviour and I understand that my dog’s actions may result in injuries to myself or others or other dogs.

17. I understand the event’s dog rules and I will follow the following set of rules:

  • All dogs must be on leads for the entirety of the race. No retractable leads permitted.

  • All dogs must have an identification tag/ collar/ harnesses.

  • If a little antisocial we ask to use one our red bandanas so as to alert other competitors of your dogs temperament. Other dogs can wear green if okay with other dogs and people. Yellow is if the dog just has some mild anxiety. These bandanas will be picked up at race rego.  

  • You must pick up any dog waste from the trail. Poo bags are part of mandatory gear.

  • It is your responsibility to condition your dog to the level of endurance required to run in this event. There will be veterinarians on course but this does not substitute for conditioning and training.

  • Bring the necessary supplies for your dog, such as favourite treats and collapsable water dish.

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